Best Astronomy and Astrophysics Books 2020 (India's Buyer's Guide)
Looking for Best Astronomy and Astrophysics Books? You have come to right place!
We have reviewed the Best Astronomy and Astrophysics Books for you. These books will help us to understand our view towards the universe. We are giving the you the list of top Astronomy and Astrophysics books. For any FAQ, feel free to contact us.
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Best Astronomy and Astrophysics Books Comparison Chart
Best Astronomy and Astrophysics Books Available
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry is the best-selling book, authored by Neil deGrasse Tyson. He given answers to the mind-blowing questions in Astrophysics.
While you are wait for your morning coffee to brew, for the bus, the train, or a plane, Astrophysics for People in a Hurry will reveal just what you need to be fluent and ready for the next cosmic headlines: from the Big Bang to the black holes, from Quarks to quantum mechanics, and from the search for planets to the search for life in the universe.
Author: Neil deGrasse Tyson
Book details:
This book has 224 pages.
Language: English
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company; 1 edition
A Brief History Of Time: From Big Bang To Black Holes
A landmark book in science wrote by one the greatest minds of our time, Stephen Hawking's book explores the profound questions in the Astronomy, Astrophysics and other related topics.
A Brief History of Time, is about black holes and quarks, of antimatter and arrows of time, of the Big Bang and a bigger God-Where the possibilities are unexpected. With exciting images, Stephen Hawking brings us closer to the ultimate secrets at very heart of creation.
Author: Stephen Hawking
Book details:
This book has 240 pages.
Language: English
Publisher: Bantam; Latest edition
Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries
Bringing together more than forty of Tyson's favorite essays, Death by Black Holes explores a wide range of cosmic topics, from what it would be like to be inside a black hole. One of the best American Astrophysicist, Tyson is a teacher who simplifies the complexity of astrophysics.
Author: Neil deGrasse Tyson
Book details:
This book has 348 pages.
Language: English
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company; 1 edition
Space Atlas, Second Edition: Mapping the Universe and Beyond
Space Atlas, Second Edition, is composed of all data about science in space (About star systems, galaxies and beyond). It makes easy to understand and everything is briefly described in this book. As the book is published by National Geographic, contains maps and images for better illustrations. One who are space enthusiast can buy and read.
Book details:
This book has 352 pages.
Language: English
Publisher: National Geographic; 2 edition
The Hubble Cosmos

This book gives an idea about the discoveries of Hubble and discoveries yet to come. The book has real Hubble images and has complete information about stars and history of telescope. This book has 150 pictures, which helps us to understand about cosmos.
The Hubble Cosmos is the celebration of 25 years of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, has interesting information about astronomy and space.
Author: David H. Devorkin, Robert W. Smith & Robert P. Kirshner
Book details:
This book has 224 pages.
Language: English
Publisher: National Geographic
Brief Answers to the Big Questions: the final book from Stephen Hawking
Brief Answers to the Big Questions is a beautiful little book by one of the brilliant minds. Stephen Hawking's given answers to the biggest questions in the Universe (Like Is time travel possible? Is there any other intelligent life? Can we predict future? and even more). He expanded our view towards the Universe and written about the greatest mysteries. This book explored about black holes, time and more about space.
Author: Stephen Hawking
Book details:
This book has 256 pages.
Language: English
Publisher: John Murray
NightWatch: A Practical Guide to Viewing the Universe
This book has classic title with key features, section of charts that are cherished by backyard astronomers everywhere. NightWatch is the best general interest introduction to Astronomy. It has charts, ideal for stargrazers using small telescopes or binoculars. It will also guide us about equipment, computerized telescopes, including photography section, instructions on digital cameras for astronomical photography and updated astronomical events upto 2025.
Author: Terence Dickinson
Book details:
This book has 192 pages.
Language: English
Publisher: Firefly Books Ltd; 4 edition
50 Things To See With A Small Telescope
50 Things To See With A Small Telescope explores about the stars systems, galaxies, visible nebulae from backyard. The book has star maps, charts including Telescope View (How objects appear when viewed through a small telescope) upto 2030. This book will help you a lot in selection of budget telescopes, identify planets, stars, Moon, nebulae, clusters, comets, asteroids, constellations, can track ISS and even more.
Author: John A. Read
Book details:
This book has 76 pages.
Language: English
Publisher: John A. Read
Turn Left At Orion: Hundreds of Night Sky Objects to See in a Home Telescope - and How to Find Them
It is one of the best astronomy book, guides us about the night sky. It has illustrations on night sky, how to look through a small telescope and updated/improved astronomical information on stars, images and planets. It has chapters on Northern and Southern Hemispheres objects, makes easy to explore the night sky and space with small telescopes.
Author: Guy Consolmagno & Dan M. Davis
Book details:
This book has 256 pages.
Language: English
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 4 edition
Until the End of Time: Mind, Matter, and Our Search for Meaning in an Evolving Universe
Until the End of Time is a book, explores the cosmos and vast universe in brief. Journey starting from Big Bang to the end of time, exploring the science, existence of life and more. From tiny particles to planets, matter and cosmos. Greene takes us to a new world of cosmos in this book.
Author: Brian Greene
Book details:
This book has 434 pages.
Language: English
Publisher: Penguin; 1 edition
Space!: The Universe as You've Never Seen It Before (Knowledge Encyclopedias)
It is the best space encyclopedia, designed for children/beginners. It has incredible images, from deep darkness of black holes to spectacular supernovae. The book explored about the mysteries in detail and showcase the planets, stars, moons and more. It is the best visual reference guide.
Author: DK & Smithsonian Institution
Book details:
This book has 208 pages.
Language: English
Publisher: DK Children
The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe
This book is written by one of the greatest minds, a brilliant theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking's. Hawking represents a series of lectures on everything, starting from Big Bang to black holes to string theory. He covers every part in his research on black holes and ideas about the universe. He explores the research on modern physics, including theories on origin of universe.
Author: Stephen W. Hawking
Book details:
This book has 140 pages.
Language: English
Publisher: Jaico Publishing House; first edition
Buyer's Guide
There are hundreds of text books in every field with available data, but some of them has interesting information and features. We refer the best books available and has tons of knowledge in it. The mentioned text books are the best at present.
All factors in Astronomy and Astrophysics Books
Before buying the best books, once look at them. If you are already a professional, you must have best telescopes and books. Everyone must know the benefits of Astronomy and Astrophysics Books, and learn about the things that exist far beyond. We must know about the discoveries in science, topics related and must have passion to work to acquire more knowledge. The books are knowledgeable and have vast information about the journey starting from Big Bang to Black Holes, Quarks to Quasars, and some mind blowing theories. One book don't have all the features, so we must require multiple books to acquire knowledge. Some books have beautiful pictures, which helps us to understand easily. Costs also varies from book to book, prefer the best books to get knowledge.
Finally, we have given the list of best books with the best reviews, our eye towards the universe is changing day by day, so your knowledge must be updated over time. Hoping this will help everyone, Let's explore the universe!