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Friday, July 24, 2020

Mystery and facts revealed about Oumuamua | First interstellar object | Information about Oumuamua Asteroid

The Universe consists of billions of galaxies, stars, planets, asteroids and other celestial objects. Our own solar system consists of millions of asteroids and comets in which most of them are yet to be discovered. But in 2017, one strange asteroid visited our solar system and travelled billions of kilometres to reach us.

On 19 October 2017, astronomer Robert Weryk discovered an asteroid moving towards the Sun using Pan-STARRS1 telescope, Haleakala Observatory in Hawaii. At first, he thought that it was a comet and on 6 November 2017, a team of astronomers concluded that it was an asteroid. They named it as “Oumuamua”, designated as “1I/2017 U1”. Oumuamua means "a messenger from a far arriving first" in Hawaii. Astronomers detected Oumuamua on 19 October 2017, but no one traced Oumuamua when it entered into solar system.
Image credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser
As of we know, from past 2000 years not even a single celestial object entered into solar system. Oumuamua is the first interstellar object ever noticed by us. Scientists and astronomers made estimations on Oumuamua, said "Oumuamua entered into our solar system on 9 September 2017 and we didn't detected it, until it reached near to the Sun on 19 October, 2017 ".

Oumuamua is travelling in a hyperbolic path, and when Robert Weryk discovered Oumuamua, it is at a distance of about 33 million kilometres away from us, which is 85 times the distance between the Earth and moon.
Image credit: ESO/K. Meech et al.
Oumuamua has size in between 100 to 1000 meters and from estimations, it is about 400 meters in size. Commonly, asteroids and comets in our solar system contains water or ice above their surface, but Oumuamua doesn't have any sort of these signs. Strangely, Oumuamua is made up of different kind of metal, has different shape ( in 1:10 ratio) and dark reddish in colour, which is so different than the asteroids in our solar system. So, some scientists and astronomers called Oumuamua as ‘Alien spacecraft’, because of its strange properties.

At first we discovered Oumuamua, it is travelling at a blistering speed of 87 kilometres/sec and completing its rotation in 7.2 hours. When we discovered it, it is travelling far away from the Sun into the interstellar space. But until December 2017, we observed it and later it disappeared due to its small size, so we can't detect it. Finally, Scientists and astronomers concluded that it will flung away into interstellar space in between first few months of 2018.
Image credit: Credit: ESO/K. Meech et al.

Some facts to know about Oumuamua are,

We don't know exactly where it come from but as we consider it's direction, it came from the star Vega in the constellation of Lyra. Star Vega is 25 light years away from us, meaning Oumuamua travelled thousands of years in interstellar space to reach us.

It travelled closer to the Sun at about 20 million kilometres, which is nearer than Mercury's orbit and amazingly, it escaped from Sun's gravity pull. Oumuamua is small in size, when compared to other asteroids, making hard to detect. If it is trapped by the Sun's gravity pull, then the speed of Oumuamua will decrease to 20 kilometres/sec and if it is the case, then it will reach the interstellar space in 2020.

Astronomers said, there is no harm to Earth from Oumuamua asteroid and if it hit Earth, then the world would have already ended in 2017. What do you think?

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  1. Really selection of topics was osm.... Evariki thelenavi rasthunaru... Good keep going

  2. Way to go crowning achievement in Dark space

  3. Good Content 👌...Keep It Up Guys

  4. Really good information..... Provide many..

  5. I am not sure what is really going on in this today's blog post, but as a fellow space maniac I can see that it's about an asteroid which came from a constellation called 'LYRA' and 'VEGA' is the brightest star present in that constellation. But because Vega is the brightest star that can be seen in the Lyra constellation. Did physicists say that this asteroid is from VEGA? Just a doubt though.



    1. Not sure, they can only made some estimations to know the direction. We don't know the exact location where it come from, so we can only make some computer simulations by calculations made and can know the direction.

  6. Topic selection is really good..!!! Keep going and let others also know the facts which are have to be known...
    #goodproject #historymatters🔥

  7. Good one.
    But it's hard to spell "Oumuamua".

  8. its good to see students trying om different concepts and exploring themselves... hope you come up with more interesting topics... good!

  9. It is intersting topics have in it nice
    Excellent super👌👌👌

  10. First I didn't know anything about the topic but after reading I got to know lot of information it is very clear cut and very well explained


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