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Sunday, August 2, 2020

Astronomical events to watch out for in August 2020

August 2020 is a much awaited month for space lovers and stargazers. This August, we have the rare astronomical events to watch out for.

1. Last chance to spot Comet Neowise:

From mid July, we are watching the Comet Neowise and is visible to our naked eye. In early August, we can watch the fading Comet and it will be disappear for another 6800 years.
Image Credit: NASA
What are you looking for, go out and spot the Comet Neowise to say bye.

2. Close approach of Moon and gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn):

On 1 and 2 August, we can watch the close approach of Moon, Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Sagittarius. As they light up the night sky.
Image credit: ESO/Y. Beletsky

3. Mars eclipsed by Moon:

On 9 August, we can watch the Mars and Moon meet up in the night sky, as the red planet hides behind the Moon at 8:38 UTC (2:08 IST). But it is visible from a small of South America and slightly in other regions.

4. Perseids meteor shower:

On August 12 and 13, one of the major meteor shower of 2020 is going to happen. We can spot more than 100 meteors in an hour. It is better to choose the location away from the city to experience the best visibility of meteor shower.

5. Ceres and Asteroid 20 Massalia at opposition:

On August 29, Ceres (largest object in asteroid belt) and Asteroid 20 Massalia makes closest approach to the Earth. While Ceres comes in a straight line with Earth in between the Sun and Ceres.

Other astronomical events in August 2020:

6. Full moon on 3 August. This time, full moon is also known as “fruit moon”.
7. Watch Venus shining brightly in early morning on 13 August.
8. Conjuction of Moon and Venus on 15 August.
9. Kappa Cygnid meteor shower on 17 August. As we can watch the 3 meteors in an hour.
10. New Moon on 19 August.
11. Aurigid meteor shower on 29 August. Aurigid meteor shower is the third and last meteor shower of the month August 2020. We can watch nearly 6 meteors in an hour.
12. Conjuction of Moon and gas giants (Jupiter & Saturn) on 29 August. It ends up the astronomical events in the month of August 2020.
As we can spot the Milky way galaxy/band in this entire month with our naked eye. August is the best month to watch and capturing the photographs of Milky Way galaxy at night. Space lovers and stargazers must use this opportunity to experience the best season for astronomical events.

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